An inexpensive and 100% natural nutrient you can take while you're pregnant that has been shown in scientific studies to increase a baby's I.Q.! (No, it's not found in your pre-natal vitamin... but it should be!)
A simple thing you can do to lower your risk of gestational diabetes, toxemia, premature birth, and delivery complications. (Doing this has even been shown to decrease the length of labor.)
Three foods you should eat while you're pregnant (and after) to help prevent the dreaded postpartum depression.
How many extra calories you should eat while you're pregnant. (Too few and you can endanger your baby... but too many and you'll endanger your own body.)
Common foods that boost your metabolism by 20 percent to help zap unnecessary pregnancy body fat! (Some is good, too much is bad!)
Detailed examples of my own daily meals and snacks for each trimester. Now you can see exactly how I ate to keep my body in good shape while giving my baby all the nutrition he needed. (Copy this and enjoy the results! It's as simple as that.)
What time of day is best for eating--help your baby grow, not your waistline.
What exercises are safe to do, during each trimester? (I demonstrate each exercise with detailed photos taken during my eighth month.)
All of my favorite healthy pregnancy recipes you can whip up in 15 minutes or less.
A delicious, one-minute nutrition solution to help you eat healthy when you're on the run and don't have the time (or desire) to cook.
Tips on healthy fast food eating. Plus how to instantly get the calorie count on foods at 90 popular restaurants.
The best pregnancy grocery list ever! It even includes the proper portions so you know exactly what to buy and how much. Print it and shop with confidence for you and your whole family.
The dirty little secrets used by pre-natal vitamin companies to boost their profits.(WARNING: You may not be getting what you're paying for--or the nutrients your baby desperately needs.)
Artificial sweeteners: are they safe during pregnancy?
Why most doctors are wrong about how quickly you can regain your pre-pregnancy shape.
How hard should you work out while pregnant? (Includes important tips for working out during the last trimester.)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
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